The Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC), together with the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) and Fédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA), announced the results of the draw for Volleyball and Basketball competitions in the first-ever Youth Olympic Games (YOG).
The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (Singapore 2010) Volleyball competition will comprise Men’s and Women’s events. The six teams per event will play in two pools of three teams during the preliminaries. Each team plays every other team in the pool (single round-robin).
Similarly, the Singapore 2010 Basketball competition consists of Men’s and Women’s events. Each event will see 20 NOCs participating. They are divided into four groups of five teams. Each NOC plays every other NOC in its group.
The Volleyball draw was conducted by Mr Shanrit Wongprasert, FIVB Board of Administration Member, with Dr Tan Eng Liang, Vice President of the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) and Board Member of SYOGOC drawing the team groupings.
FIBA's Event Delegate and Sports Director, Mr Lubomir Kotleba conducted the Basketball draw. Mr Goh Kee Nguan, Chief Executive Officer of SYOGOC drew the groupings of participating NOCs, and Dr Tan drew the number for each participating NOC.
The draw ceremony was witnessed by officials from SYOGOC, FIVB, FIBA and representatives from the embassies and consulates of participating NOCs.
The first match of the Singapore 2010 Volleyball competition will take place on 21 August at 10am between the Men's Volleyball teams of Serbia and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Greece and New Zealand will start the ball rolling for the Singapore 2010 Basketball competition with the first Men’s Basketball preliminary match on 15 August at 9am.
Singapore 2010 – Blazing the Trail
Singapore will be hosting the inaugural Youth Olympic Games (YOG) from 14 to 26 August 2010. The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games will receive some 5,000 athletes and officials from the 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), along with an estimated 1,200 media representatives, 20,000 local and international volunteers, and more than 370,000 spectators. Young athletes - aged between 14 and 18 years - will compete in 26 sports and take part in a Culture and Education Programme.
The Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games aims to inspire youth around the world to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. It will create a lasting sports, culture and education legacy for Singapore and youths from around the world, as well as enhance and elevate the sporting culture locally and regionally.
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